No. 9 from Rubank Saxophone Advanced vol. 1

I got a request!

I hadn’t made a video since my Killing In the Name for solo saxophone video back in January, and given my DevOps scrambling that I had to do for my Chartopia side project, my attention has definitely not been on video making.

But last Saturday I got a request for a No. 9 by Fodor in the Rubank sax book; challenge accepted. This was the kick I needed; I blasted the sucker out, edited it, then threw it online sans a fancy thumbnail. The requester seemed happy enough. Not a Ko-fi donation level of thanks, but I’ll take the thanks-comment-acknowledgement.

It was a strange piece to request, because it’s an old-school classical piece, but perhaps there was something oddly confusing about it, or perhaps the requester just needed some assurance that they were on the right track. Regardless, I did the play through, explained away a few of the counting things and showed why an F major scale would be a wise thing to practise, and voila, I finally made another contribution to the bottomless pit of YouTube. I got a few views out of it.

At least I got to use my fancy gear again, and also experiment with Audacity’s compression settings which I still not seem to get quite right. I still fail at lighting.

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